Am I a human being or a human doing? What are you?
For most of my life I have thrived on lists: lists of things to do, to read, to shop, places to go, calls to make, work projects, and goals to accomplish.
It was a pleasure to vanquish each day's list, checking items off as I rushed along.
The gift of this summer has been a time of extended healing after surgery, slowing down and listening to my body. The first week I felt an inner peace stretching out as I focused on caring for my body in new ways. My spirit felt so grateful that I resolved to maintain that peace, even after I returned to work. To my surprise, I've been able to sustain that inner peace for three weeks now.
Doctors are always telling me to reduce stress. It's been on my to-do list for a long time. Can I finally check it off?
I still make lists, but I'm not as attached to them. That's the gift of being 47.
thoughts on taking a stand
17 hours ago